Tuesday, June 3, 2008

For clarification purposes only...

I really did see Arnold Schwarschenakljfakjhekahe (whatever, you get it) in Starbucks today... it was rather anti-climactic. What happened was me and my coworker went into the beverage facility and were sitting down (I had my back to the door) when my friend goes "OOh Look!". Now, the tone she used when saying this made me ABSOLUTELY SURE that I would turn around and find the most fluffiest cutest adoreablest puppy ever behind me (because we are in Little Italy where there are a pleothera of puppies). So I turned around with my eyes pointed toward the ground, but alas, no puppy. So I then move upwards and my eyes fall upon the Governator, snakeskin boots and all, talking on his cellie with his "entourage" of Secret Service cronies. Needless to say, I was sad... I wanted to see a puppy!!! So yeah, he had one of the SS guys order for him and all the onlookers were taking up all the space in the place, it sucked. I wanted to get the hell outta there because claustrophobia was setting in, but Pam was like "Lets sit here and drink our shit" so I was like "FINE FUCK!!!!!!!" I then proceeded to ask Pam if she was going to embarrass herself by taking a photo of the flesh-encapsuled robot governor to which she replied "I dont even have my phone with me!" So I said, "not only do I have my phone niftily (its a word) equipped with a camera, I ALSO have my digital camera in my purse..." she goes "TAKE A PICTURE THEN!!!" UH, no Pam, I have C-L-A-S-S. What the FUCK am I gonna do with a picture of Arnold Schwarchenheimen anyway? I rest my case.


Martinez said...

I woulda been like
He'd be like "KEH DEEH"

B. Jean said...


Anonymous said...


you expect to see puppies and what do you get...the governator.

Martinez said...

I know, puppies > ahnahld.

Damn B, you didn't even recognize the ku! It was supposed to be bad... worst even, betch.