Wednesday, August 20, 2008

August 20

Normally, I don't recognize this day. I lost someone very special a few years ago on this day. She's been on my mind and last night, she came to me in my dreams. Together, we re-lived the best of times and the worst, but instead of those events occurring where they had oh so many years ago, all the locales were recent and/or current. I didn't want to wake up and when I eventually did, I was in tears. it had been a while since I had thought of her and a few weeks ago, i found one of her shirts, one I had purchased for her one of her favorite restaurants. It jogged my memories of her and also, tagging along with the sadness was a morsel of guilt; guilt coming from the fact that I had not thought about her in a while. I've been going through so much recently; job transitions, friends coming into town, me going out of town, Q.... basically everything. My mind hasn't had time to wander.

So last night, 8/20/08, she came to me in my dreams to let me know that I'll never forget her and don't beat myself up over feeling guilty about allowing her to temporarily disappear from my thoughts. Re-living all the times we spent together was her way of telling me, "Haro? Look at all this you're remembering about me. Quit trippin' about fogettin' shit. I ain't goin' nowhere!"

Anyway, that how I interpreted that dream. And since I'm sharing, let me tell you a story I've probably shared with you before, but I know Amanda hasn't heard it!!! lol

So, Rachel and i went to the movies this one time. We decided to see what she wanted to see (Swim Fan) since she wasn't happy with the movie I chose the previous time, Undercover Brother. I compromised, as all good boyfriends should. We got to the theater 20 min before the movie was scheduled to start. one thing to know about rachel, she was diagnosed with severe obsessive compulsive disorder and she was very particular about how things should go down.

Ok, getting back to the story. We enter the theater and choose our seats carefully. There were maybe 20 other people in the theater with us. The movie starts and about 15 minutes in, these 2 dark figures, female, come into the theater and make a beeline for the seats directly behind us. the fuckin theater was practically empty and these two women choose to sit behind us. about 3 minutes later, another person enters the theater and I hear the two people skrunch down in their seats. This person then begins to call out, "POOKIE! POOKIE!!!" and when she gets no answer back, spins around and leaves. I realize at that point the two females are using us to hide from this person apparently. After that women's departure, these two females begin having a conversation. Like I said, Rachel being ocd and particular, twisted her head around and not holding anything back, said "Would you please shut the fuck up."

The girls (I had determined they were not in fact women, but actually teenagers) told Rachel to shut up her self and sucked their teeth. At this point, the woman who was seeking this pookie person came back in. Like clockwork, the two girls once again took their hiding positions.

"POOOOOOKIE! POOOOOOOKIE! I know you in here!


She once again departed, which was the girls' cue to begin chatting again. Now, all I want to do is stifle any possible conflicts so I turn around and tell them to please either stop talking or move somewhere else where they could talk all they want and not disturb anyone since there wasn't a whole lot of people watching this shit movie. One of them replies "Shit, fuck that! you move!" keeping in mind that we got there 20 minutes before and they got there 15 minutes into, I advised them as such. You think they cared?

Sucking of the teeth.

Finally, I had had enough. I asked them if I needed to go get the usher, although I was already heading down the isle of seats with that intention when one of them replied "You can go git anyone you wanna go git!"

By this time we had caused such a ruckus, people had stopped watching Swim Fan and watched what was happening live. So, the girl says what she says and i reply with "Ok, well, how about if I go get you momma, your name is POOOOOOOKIE! isn't it?"

That brought down the house, all 20 of them. I walked toward the doors and looked behind to see the 2 girls following me out. Exiting, I held the door for them and saw they looked to be like 12-13 years old. One of the girls hid her face as she passed me, looking obviously embarrassed and second, the teeth sucker, was this fat little girl with bad skin and some stink eye action. She looked up at me with her stink eye and I sucked my teeth at her, then promptly pointed them out the passing usher, who then led them to their mom/auntie/baby momma who had been looking for them.

When i went back in, I got a standing ovation.... all 20 of them.... and Rachel.

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