Thursday, June 5, 2008


Dont you love it when theres a cherry on top of your evening? Yesh, me too! So yesterday I left work early to get some rest because this blasted cold wont go away. Anyways, rest I couldnt get... I just couldnt fall asleep for whatever reason. So finally after watching SYTYCD and Top Chef I decided to hit the sack... but not before taking a pre-bedtime pee break. So I walk into the main commode of our home (now shared by 3 people) and I'm like "Ew, someone just dropped a load in here..." Well I lift the seat, and no no no... they LEFT their load in there. WTF!!!!!! Are we three year olds people? Are we still afraid to hear the toilet flush? (was that just me? shut up!) It was so gross, all disintegrated-ey from sitting in the water. So Im like, whatevs and I flush it... Heres the cherry.... it doesnt want to go down!

I LOOOOOOVE when Im not feeling well and at 11pm right before bed I get to plunge someone else's albondiga-esque turds in my pajamas... dont be jealous.

Here's a 'ku in its memory:

Albondiga shit
dancing with soppy T.P.
gross toilet sopa