Thursday, August 21, 2008

Dance for the Tuna! DANCE I SAY!!!

Well, last night was eventful to say the least. The best part though, were my dreams. They were so good they caused me to sleep in late... I think I have better dreams after drinking wine, I need to make a note of that.

I cant remember the particular order of things anymore, but here are some tidbits that were awesome:

At one point I was late to a wedding, of which Jim from The Office was my date, and I wasnt dressed for the occasion. I did have heels on however and began sprinting to my house with the sun beating down on me. I'm pretty sure I was in National City for this part of the dream. Finally a UPS truck picked me up, but I dont think I ever made it to that wedding.

Later I was just running (during nighttime) with some hooligans, one of which I think was DARRELL from The Office. We just ran into peoples houses while they were watching prime time TV. I have no idea who we were running from.

This next part was loooong and awesome. It was one of those times where during the dream you're like "This is one fucking crazy ass dream!" What happened was I ran into a park with nice grass and trees. There was a big truck, like a delivery truck or armored one or something. Behind it there were two straight lines of chicks, and some other chicks with AK-47s or something. I was running so fast I didnt even notice the formation until an AK chick yelled at me to get back in line. So I did, cause I didnt want to get shot. THEN, she proceeded to make all the girls, myself included, do some sort of rehearsed ballet dance on the grass. Oa'a (Amanda, that means "Oh and, also...) they kept mentioning tuna, like "DANCE FOR THE TUNA!!!" Or something to that effect. Man, I was way below the other girls' skill level! Anyhoozles, I dont know how I got out of that, but I kept thinking "Man, Im a shitty dancer... furthermore, WHAT THE FUCK?"

The last part of my dream, as far as I can remember, was a weird ass gun fight between me with some other people (the good guys) and some random dudes (the bad guys). I dont know what they did to wrong us, and I cant remember how it started. What I do know is that the other "good guys" wouldnt shoot anyone themselves! I had to cap all the naggers myself! Talk about pressure. Also, these guys didnt really convey being in pain or being intimidated, so it made my job kinda hard. The last scene of my dream is this: I had already shot this guy in the guts like twice, and the cops show up. The cop tells me to shoot his balls/dick off, and I'm like "seriously?, ok!" So I shoot him in the groin, and instead of blowing his junk everywhere, it just makes a clean entry hole and a stream of urine starts shooting out of his cock. LIKE URINE IS HELD IN A COCK RESERVOIR! I hate when my dreams are scientifically unsound!

Thats concludes my transmission for this morning.


Martinez said...

ok, that shit is crazy. you had a dream mixed with various movies and one tv show there.

Martinez said...

oa'a, whats up with the bad dancing? you didn't do your fists ups in alternating fashion move? yeah, they woulda fed your non rhythm havin' ass to lions in the olden times!