Sunday, September 28, 2008

sounds hott

Friday, September 26, 2008

Feel what? Mind waves?

Seriously, BEST POST EVAR!

Sexy abs!

Want to make the sexy times?

That all DEPENDS



Dude... I dont even know what to say. The mustache.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

RTT ABChisme - U

RTT, Unbeknown to you and I, Your-Doing-It-Peter-Your-Doing-It used to be a chick?

RTT ABChisme - T

RTT Too much dancing and not enough agua on a work night makes me tired and sore?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Click on image to enlarge

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Discourtesy @ the gas station

So, tonight I went to put some gas in my car. It was near Windy's place (meaning far away from the ghetto), so I assumed that even though everyone and their momma was gettin gas the same time I was, it wouldn't be bad because we're not in the ghetto... WRONG!

As Q and I waited patiently for one of the three vehicles to move, cars started piling up behind me. the car at the center pump pulled out and as I began to move towards the open spot, the car behind me swooped around and tried to cut the line. My car was partially blocking the lane but this guy still tried squeezing past. I rolled down my window and began to berate this asshole for jumping the line and not respecting the pecking order, if you will. Hand gestures, everything. This guy stops his car but rather than clear the lane so I can get through, he backs up to the point where his car is even with mine, rolls down his window and wants to argue with me. I never gave him the chance as verbal barbs began flying from my mouth.
"Hey, dipshit, do you not see that there was a line?"

"Do you realize how rude you're action is?"

"I bet you never wait for anything!"

I bet you don't respect shit!"

"I bet your family hates you!"

"You look like a manager of some sort, I bet your employees want you to jump off the roof of your own fuckin' building!"

"You do realize that they kick people out of Disneyland for cutting in line?"
(My personal favorite.)

When I was catching my breath, he quipped, "Don't you want to hear my side of all this?"


Right about that time, we both got snaked on the spot by another vehicle who pulled in from the other direction. Oh man, that was it. This guy was about to be taken out by verbal bullets...

"See what you did? You fuckin' ruined it! Now neither one of us is gonna get gas anytime soon! Why don't you go home and ruin more shit! Go tell your kids Santa isn't real! Tell 'em the Easter Bunny doesn't exist! Go ruin holidays and shit!"

That must've been it, because rather than wait at the station for another pump to open, he put his vehicle in gear and high-tailed out of the lot, a look of fear on his face. I wasn't proud of my behavior as well as hell of embarassing Q, but a part of me was jubilant that I was so quick witted and sharp tongued, i scared some white guy from evar jumping a line again.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Friday, September 19, 2008

RTT ABChisme - R


RTT ABChisme - S

RTT She took off her top, and for one second, you found metty attractive but at the same time shielded your eyes because IT WAS YOUR BOSSES TEHTS?

RTT ABChisme - Q

RTT, Quenching the "horse riding" thirst didn't happen because it was past your horse's bedtime?

New Segment

This segment is called: Beautiful people that Barbara tortures herself with...

Exhibit A: Gael

Just look at him! Oa'a I wanna see Blindness!! Everyone else should too! So many exclamations!!!!!

*** OK Im a retard, its Benicio Del Toro who is in Maldeamores (just as good though really) or, Bene as Olga would call him!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Friday, September 12, 2008

ABChisme - O

RTT On our way home from 'vita's party, my car blew up and you had to walk about a mile in hot red pumps?

RTT ABChisme - N

Rtt never seemed bright in my office until I came to work with a mini-hangover? Now its like the surface of the freakin sun!

Thursday, September 11, 2008


If you can't tell, all these pictures symbolize people at tantus.

OK New Game...

I know we're still in the midst of ABChisme, but I saw a pic online last night and it prompted me to come up with a new game we can play while bangin out the Chiz... I'll post a pic and you have to guess who that pic signifies... sounds good?

OK, the first pic...

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

RTT ABChisme - M

RTT Metis, with the quiche and the lip crumb and the heads up and the subsequent "yeah thanks, i'm eating."?

RTT ABChisme - L

RTT LAUGHING MY FUCKING ASS OFF watching the "Shopping with Virginiaca" skit from SNL?

"Why cant I be trying these shirts on?!"

"Booty back and forfs, BOOTY BACK AND FORFS!"

(Virginiaca eats corn chips messily)

"Ahh Momma those kern chips are full a trans-fats!!"

"Hush up! I'm gettin my Niacin!"

"Baby, why dont you go down to the Chick Fil-A and get me some nugrets?"

"Where be the Chick-Fil-a?"



"I'm pleasingly lopsided."

RTT ABChisme - K

RTT Kelly, who hates bananas but loves cleansing, bought the master cleanse and it ended up being banana flavor?

RTT ABChisme - J

RTT Jessica saw some dudes smokin herb in a car when we were leaving the mall, so she screams "MARIJUANA CAUSES IMPOTENCE!!!" while leaning across my lap?

RTT ABChimse - I

RTT Inner voices in my head movies force me to kill?

wait, too much info there...

RTT Inward singing isn't as hot as JB made it out to be?

Sunday, September 7, 2008

RTT ABChisme- H

RTT had a shitload of fun last night with Tif, her lesbian anti-date, and seeing Neenee and Vianey at Universal?

Saturday, September 6, 2008


McCain chose VP
Alaskan Chick with nice gams
worthy? nsm.

RTT A B Chisme - G

RTT Goat, when he first started dating Steely, didn't want to meet us?

Friday, September 5, 2008

RTT AB Chisme - F

RTT Fuck kites?

OK that one doesnt really count as chisme...

RTT ummm ill have to get back to you.

OK, like five minutes later, lol.

RTT FULLY obsessed with Ellen Page?

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Are you Readyku?

Season starts tonight!
The New York Football Giants!
Washington Redskins!

It'll be blow-out,
because Washington sucks balls.
Yeah, fuck the Chargers.


The NFL changed up the NFL logo this season.

The Comparison...

I'm sad though, they didn't want to use my submission...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

RTT A B Chimse - E

RTT Elmo was proud of the nic "elmo"?

Too long lunch

I am bored, I have been slacking off whilst on the clock, so now I have nothing to do on my break. Shitty. Here are some thoughts of mine:

I need to draw more, even though I cant draw
I need to clean my room and hang up all my clothes (im tired of wearing yesterday's fashions)
I need to start using my highly expensive digital camera, i need to capture the bliss that is my being
i need to stop eating the following items for dinner: sweettarts, trix yogurt, chicken nuggets & vanilla frostys
i need to write on this freakin blog more
i need to become more computer literate so i can do the shiz i wanna do
i need to be a graphic designer (bnr, lol... i do need to design some graphics though)
why is it always so fucking cold in here? i mean seriously i had to change the location of my workstation just to warm up!
why was the kickass vintage store closed when i walked down there? WTF?

p.s. i finally saw the tracey fragments...weirdest movie evar, bnf

RTT AB Chisme - D

RTT Dave is hesistant to bcww with Serene and we're not sure why? Is it his old school vato ethics? His vampy ways? IDK.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

RTT A B Chisme - C

RTT Crystal's tehts were fake but that's not what you were told?

Monday, September 1, 2008

RTT A-B-Chisme

RTT Babs' Tia pushed her other Tia and told her she was going to hell for being a bitch liar?